Week 5 Reading Diary A: Bharata’s Plea and Surpanakha’s Mutilation
One episode that grabbed my attention was Bharata finding forgiveness for Kaikeyi. When Bharata was called back to Ayodhya he knew something was wrong, and rode swiftly back. He learned that his father had died and was absolutely devastated. When he learned that Kaikeyi was the cause he grew furious and wished the worst upon his mother. His reaction was certainly justified considering her wishes caused Dasaratha’s death and Rama’s exile, but turning against his own mother was difficult I’m sure. He struggled with forgiving her due to the pain she had caused, yet he still loved her and didn’t wish ill will upon her. I think he asked Vasishtha what her punishment would be to push him over the edge with sorrow so that he could seek forgiveness. Vasishatha knew that Manthara deceived Kaikeyi and that she was to blame, thus he probably told Bharata all the misfortune Kaikeyi would face to urge him to forgive her. It was very touching to see Bharata find a deep love for his mother after his anger at her actions.
The character I enjoyed most in this reading was Rama because of his honorable character. Bharata and the Kosalas traveled great distances and overcame many things to reach Rama. Bharata and all the people of Ayodhya pleaded Rama to return as their king, yet Rama declined simply because he wished to uphold his fathers word! He didn’t want to disrespect the promise his father gave and therefore turned down the people he loved greatly and chose to accept fourteen years of exile. That takes such incredible character to willingly turn down the easy option to respect your father and uphold his word. No wonder the people of Ayodhya respected Rama so much!
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Baharta pleading Rama to return |
The final episode that really grabbed my attention was the mutilation of Surpanakha. In Naryana’s Ramayana the episode played out a lot more. Surpanakha took a beautiful human form and tried to deceive Rama. In Buck’s retelling she did not change forms, but rather demanded Rama as her husband! Rama refused because he was already married. Surpanakha then rushed at Sita, but Lakshmana intercepted her and cut off her ears! Lakshmana’s reaction seems more justified because Surpanakha obviously meant to harm Sita and he was simply protecting her. Naryana’s retelling the mutilation of Surpanakha seemed more unwarranted and brutal, so I certainly like Buck’s version better!
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Lakshmana defending agains Surpanakha |
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