Monday, January 26, 2015

Project: Possible Storybook Topics

1) Topic 1: Ravana and the Demons

Reading the week 2 part of the Ramayana was very interesting and peaked my interest in the asura, specifically Ravana and rakshasa. I am very curious how some asura came to be, and the stories associated with many of them. I am also curious to read about some rakshasas that aren't evil.

Research So Far:

I looked at the Wikipedia links about the Rakshasa, as well as the article about Ravana. I plan to look into more of the major demons as well. I read that the Rakshasa were created by the breath of Brahma and they were bloodthirsty and began eating Brahma. They play a huge role in many Indian stories, and it is something I'm definitely interested in researching more.

2) Topic 2: Karma

I have heard the word Karma quite a bit in daily life and popular culture. As far as I understand it, you get what you've earned sometimes reaping the benefits/struggles of a past life even. I'd like to learn more and potentially see the root of Karma and understand a deeper meaning behind it.

Research So Far:

Again, I looked at the Wikipedia link about Karma and did some reading. The concept of Karma originated in India and basically describes consequences (both good and bad) for actions. Good actions lead to good Karma, and bad actions lead to bad Karma. I learn a little bit as well about rebirth and the transfer of karma through that. I would definitely be interested in learning more about this topic and how it applies to Hinduism.

3) Topic 3: Major gods (Specifically Vishnu)

Anytime I learn about a religion, or a the mythology of a specific region I am always interested in learning about the major gods. Vishnu caught my interest simply from the fact that he is the main god, and he takes on many avatars which have stories of their own. I also am interested in Brahma as he is a god of creation, but am only looking into Vishnu for now.

Research So Far:

I looked at the Wikipedia articles about Vishnu, Brahma, and Ganesha and read a little bit on each of the three. I'm definitely interested in Vishnu and his many avatars. I would like to dig deeper into the divine glories that make up his character, his avatars (as well as stories behind them) and the relationship he has with other gods.

3) Topic 3: Animals in Epics (specifically elephants)

I know that in India, elephants play a major role in their culture, and I am also aware that in the Ramayana there are many animals that play major roles. I would like to look into elephants, and their influence as well as perhaps the elephant headed god Ganesha if that isn't straying too far from the topic.

Research So Far:

I looked at the Wikipedia articles about Ganesha as well as Airavata. Ganesha is the deva of wisdom, and is known as the remover of obstacles. That is very interesting, and wisdom is a trait I really enjoy reading into which draws me to Ganesha even more! His appearance is something that I also find extremely interesting. As for Airavata, it is the vehicle of Indra. Airavata also goes by the name Erawan and is depicted as a beautiful white elephant with several heads. According to the wiki article, elephants are associated with rain and clouds and are even said to have the ability to produce clouds. I am certainly interested in looking into elephants in Indian epics and culture.

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